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Weapons/Gun Charges

Weapons offenses are serious and some come with mandatory prison sentences. If you have been charged with weapons offenses you need a criminal defense attorney to help prepare your defense.

We represent people charged with the following gun and other weapons offenses:
  • Possessing a gun (concealed, loaded or otherwise with no permit)
  • Possessing a firearm by a felon (concealed, loaded or otherwise)
  • Possessing an assault weapon
  • Possessing a weapon (illegal weapons include knives, daggers, brass knuckles, and other martial arts weapons)
  • Brandishing a firearm (displaying or waving around a firearm)
  • Discharging a firearm
  • Selling a firearm (unlawful sale)
  • Using a gun in committing a crime (assault, robbery, drug offenses)

Weapons are not just guns. A deadly weapon is defined very broadly and includes weapons listed above plus many more items including box cutters, tear gas, keys, a car or your own fist if used to harm someone.

Gun/weapon charges are aggressively prosecuted. Most carry the prospect of jail time (or state prison), expensive fines, and a criminal record that may make it difficult to obtain employment and housing.

In general, a weapons offense is a felony under Florida law, but possession can be charged as a misdemeanor in some cases. The penalties will vary depending on a number of circumstances. What type of weapon was involved? What was being done with the weapon? Was the weapon loaded and/or concealed? Does the defendant have a past criminal record? If you've been arrested and charged with a weapons offense in Collier or Lee counties, you need an experienced weapons attorney with a successful track record.

Landon Miller ESQ will focus on getting you the most favorable disposition using a variety of proven techniques and defenses, including:
  • Making all necessary court motions including "motions to suppress evidence"
  • Interviewing all witnesses connected to your case
  • Gathering evidence in support of your defenses
  • Gathering evidence in support of your defenses
  • Negotiating a favorable plea (if necessary)
  • Preparing for trial
  • Seeking alternative sentencing such as house arrest/electronic monitoring, work furlough, weekends in jail,
    community service

If you have been arrested for a weapons/guns/firearms charge in Naples or Ft Myers call us. Having criminal defense attorneys that have practiced in Naples and Ft Myers for over 30 years, we offer you the experience and knowledge you are going to need to mount your defense. Please call 239-774-4100 for a free confidential free initial consultation.

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